Blacktoft Sands RSPB Reserve - Home to 270 bird species
Blacktoft Sands RSPB Nature Reserve, run by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, in the East Riding of Yorkshire. Its tidal reedbed is the largest in England, Mick & I spent a day there this week (Tuesday 30th April 2013) we went along there from visiting North Cave Wetlands for an hour in the morning.
It was such a brilliant day after the cold and wind that we have been experiencing for the last few months, it was so captivating that we spent the rest of the day there seeing birds we dont normally see, including the Marsh Harrier (long way off) and numerous waders. They have over 270 species of birds that you can see.
The black and white Avocets go to Blacktoft Sands to breed arriving middle of March and leaving as soon as the young can fly normally by late June. These strange birds with upturned beaks are very entertaining to watch as you will see from the following photographs.